For as little as $80 per year you change the life of an orphan of the illegal wildlife trade
Limbe Wildlife Centre cares for more than 250 rescued animals. Becoming a sponsor truly is one of the biggest ways you can help – not just your chosen primate, but every animal cared for at the LWC. All of the animals affected by the illegal bush meat and pet trades have a sad story. But by adopting an LWC animal you help us to give their story a happy ending.
When rescued animals arrive at the Limbe Wildlife Centre they each need a warm and safe house, company from their own species, medical care and healthy food in order to recover from their traumatic past, which was full of uncertainty and loss. As long as it is needed, we will take care of them. But we cannot do this alone; we need your help to take care of all of the orphans. You can help by adopting one of the animals below. With your help they get the life they deserve. The money received from animal adoptions is used to help pay for food, specialist care, housing, veterinary care and enrichment.
With each adoption you will receive a personalised adoption certificate, updates on your sponsored animal, and our quarterly report to keep you updated on all news and developments at the LWC. To adopt an LWC animal as a gift for someone else, simply write their name and email address in the instructions during the payment process, and we’ll take care of the rest. The animals thank you!
Please note, you do not need a PayPal account to donate through PayPal – you can also pay by debit and credit card from any country.
ETINDE – Preuss’s monkey
Etinde, a Preuss’s monkey, arrived at the Limbe Wildlife Centre on the 23rd of December 2023. The Preuss’s monkey is a species classified as endangered by the IUCN. She was tiny, and only estimated to be 1-2 months old upon her arrival. Etinde was bought to the LWC from the nearby Mount Etinde (often called Little Mount Cameroon) We don’t know much about her story, but we are sure her mother would never have left her behind by choice.
Preuss’s are very rare – so rare in fact, that the LWC is the only place in the world that has Preuss monkeys in their care.
Luckily Etinde is now in good hands, and has already grown strong, healthy and very playful! Support her rehabilitation and receive updates about Etinde by sponsoring her today.
Sponsor Etinde for $4 per month or $48 per year.
ELTON – tantalus monkey
On the 19th of February 2024, the LWC received a small tantalus monkey from Bangem. The baby tantalus had been confiscated from a poacher who had kept him as a pet for a while. He claimed that the mother abandoned the baby when being chased by dogs. Whatever his history may be, he was certainly traumatised by his ordeal upon arrival. He had worms and a skin infection on his hand. Through careful monitoring and treatment, the little tantalus has bounced back – and has been named Elton after Elton John’s “I’m Still Standing”!
Elton is a ball of energy, and you can follow his rehabilitation by becoming a sponsor today.
Sponsor Elton for $4 a month or $48 a year.
African grey parrot
Throughout the year, the centre receives multiple African grey parrot rescues which get confiscated from the illegal pet trade.
These usually arrive in very bad health conditions, with clipped wings and ridden in parasites. Once they arrive at the centre, each individual undergoes a health check, receives necessary medical attention and then go into three weeks of quarantine before they join the big flocks.
Sponsor a parrot for $6 per month or $72 per year.
TWIGGS – female western lowland gorilla
Twiggs was stolen from the wild. Afterwards, she was smuggled to Nigeria to live an unnatural life as a pet for six years. In 2004, through an international cooperation mission, she returned her to her native home, Cameroon, along with her companion and fellow gorilla, Brighter. Together they started a new life at the Limbe Wildlife Centre. Due to human abuse during her time as a pet, she has a completely disabled right arm. This means she is weaker than other gorillas and could never survive in the wild. As a result of this abuse, she will rely on the Limbe Wildlife Centre for care and protection for her entire life. Twiggs needs special feeding and supplements to maintain a healthy condition.
Sponsor Twiggs for $10 per month or $120 per year. Watch Twiggs’ story!
ZOMBO – female mandrill
Zombo arrived at the LWC when she was around two years old. She was caught in a trap/snare and kept with the people who rescued her for around two months. During this time she was tied to the door of their house with rope around her waist. Finally, when they had the money to travel to Limbe, the family brought her to the safety of the LWC.
Today Zombo lives happily with the rest of our mandrills. She is a calm and well respected member of the troop. Mandrills are well-known for being one of the most colourful monkey species! They are classified as vulnerable and their habitats are being threatened by human activities such as deforestation and industrial agriculture. Furthermore, the species is suffering due to hunting for bushmeat.
Sponsor Zombo for for $8 per month or $96 per year.
PENJA – male mona monkey
This little mona monkey was only a few months old when he arrived at the LWC in 2022. He was brought in by a MINFOF official, the Chief of the Forestry Post in Penja in the Littoral region of Cameroon. This is why he is called Penja. On arrival he was dehydrated and very stressed, with a rope still tied around his waist. He immediately started his quarantine period during which we perform health checks and provide youngsters like Penja with round the clock care, a safe environment and a well-balanced diet.
Penja is still being cared for in quarantine as he is so young, but we will continue his rehabilitation and plan to eventually introduce him to one of our mona groups. Mona monkeys are currently classified as least-concern. However, the species is threatened by the illegal pet trade and for bushmeat. It is important that humans learn to live alongside these beautiful animals as they too, like all animal species, deserve to be safe and protected in their natural habitats.
Sponsor Penja for $6 per month or $72 per year.
Yabassi – female drill
On the 21st of November 2023, wildlife officials seized young Yabassi from a poacher who was keeping her illegally as a pet for months. She certainly had a tragic start to life, having likely seen her family killed by poachers. She was also kept with a rope tied around her waist which had left a deep wound which required regular treatment by our veterinary team.
Our team of caregivers and vets have been working intensively with Yabassi to help her start her rehabilitation journey to be integrated in our group of other rescued drills.
Sponsor Yabassi for $8 per month or $96 per year.
BATEK – male western lowland gorilla
Gorilla Batek arrived at the Limbe Wildlife Centre as a three year old youngster. He was badly wounded by the shotgun pellets that killed his mother, and was taken to a hospital for treatment. Afterwards, he was kept in a small cage in Batouri, where he barely had room to move. This is no life for a gorilla. But fortunately he was one of the lucky ones who was rescued and given the appropriate care he needed.
Today he is an impressive, fully-fledged silverback. He lives with two other rescued female gorillas called Emma and Pitchou who are always keeping him on his toes. Batek is quite a nimble silverback and can often be seen taking on the tightrope in the enclosure. Whilst he isn’t as graceful as his female counterparts, he is always determined to succeed.
Sponsor Batek for $10 per month or $120 per year.
KIKI – female moustached monkey
Kiki arrived at the LWC when she was just an infant; around five months old. Her mother was killed so that Kiki could be kept as a pet. For a while she was tied up by a string around her waist. Finally she was rescued by a man who then brought her to the LWC.
Beautiful Kiki is the only moustached monkey at the LWC. She lives in a multi-species guenon group. As the least dominant member of her group we work extra hard to make sure she gets all the food and nutrients she needs.
Sponsor Kiki for $6 per month or $72 per year.
MAYOS – female chimpanzee
Chimpanzee Mayos arrived at the LWC in May of 2008, when she was a mere 5 months old. Her mother and family were killed for meat by a hunter, who then brought her to a hunting camp to be sold as a pet. Although she arrived healthy and in good condition, she needed 24/7 care of a caregiver as she was still so young, and clung to him permanently. When she was old enough, she joined a troop of other chimpanzees where she learned valuable skills on how to be a chimpanzee.
Unfortunately, in July of 2014, she lost her right eye in a fight with two bigger males, and the left eye sustained permanent damage. In 2019, Mayos vision continually decreased in her remaining left eye. Now, Mayos lives happily in a special care and rehabilitation enclosure with other chimpanzees who too, have disabilities like her. They now live happily in harmony and play the day away together.
Sponsor Mayos for $10 per month or $120 per year.