Help name one of our newest arrivals


On the 12th of July 2024, the LWC were made aware that a red-capped mangabey had been confiscated by wildlife officials in nearby Idenau. MINFOF organised the transport of the young mangabey to the LWC the same day. The young male had suspected snare wounds and other injuries which were promptly treated by the LWC veterinary team. His initial general health checks indicates that he is in good health and recovering well from the injuries he arrived with, however he will have some permanent disability due to the severity of the wounds he sustained. He is very shy and understandably nervous of humans, but our dedicated team are working hard to gain his trust.

We are inviting you to be a part of his journey! By donating €5 today, you can help us name this young mangabey.

Your donations are vital to help us care for this young mangabey as he continues his rehabilitation at the Limbe Wildlife Centre, through the provision of a varied and nutritional diet, enrichment and health checks. You can participate by donating to the campaign, and leaving your name suggestion in the notes section. The name will be selected by representatives from Limbe Wildlife Centre and Barcelona Zoo, and the person who chose the name will win a free one year sponsorship of the young mangabey.

How to participate

1. Donate €5 or more to the PayPal fundraiser

2. Leave your name suggestion in the notes section

3. Come back in a few weeks to find out the results!

The person who comes up with the best name will have the honour of naming the young mangabey, and will win a free one year sponsorship of him.

Our Partnership with Barcelona Zoo

We are working in partnership with Barcelona Zoo to bring more awareness to the plight of the red-capped mangabey, and to actively work to protect the species through in-situ and ex-situ projects. The red-capped mangabey is the largest species of mangabey, and is well known for its beautiful chestnut-red crown on their head and the white collar looping around their faces. Sadly, due to habitat loss and hunting, the red-capped mangabey is classified as Endangered by the IUCN RedList. Our goal is to improve the conservation of red-capped mangabey and their critical environment in Cameroon, by providing solutions as regards to captive animal welfare, education for achieving behaviour change and in-situ conservation of wild population and their ecosystem.

Barcelona Zoo is a renowned zoological park situated in Barcelona, Spain. Established in 1892, the zoo houses a wide variety of animal species, including many that are endangered or threatened. One of its key contributions to conservation is its role as a host for the European Ex-Situ Programme (EEP) for the red-capped mangabey. This programme is part of the efforts organised by the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA) to ensure the survival of this species through managed breeding and collaborative conservation strategies across participating institutions.

Barcelona Zoo’s involvement in the red-capped mangabey EEP underscores its commitment to not only animal welfare but also to the preservation of biodiversity. The zoo enhances public awareness of conservation issues through educational programmes and interactive exhibits while providing naturalistic habitats for its animals that reflect their native environments. By fostering a deeper understanding of wildlife conservation, Barcelona Zoo inspires visitors to participate actively in protecting endangered species and their habitats, making it a vital player in the global conservation landscape.